Joining the iwi register

A tribal register for Uenuku, Tamakana and Tamahaki people is maintained by Te Korowai o Wainuiārua Trust.

As registered members, you acknowledge your whakapapa and connection to the iwi and many hapū of Uenuku (nā-Tūkaihoro), Tamakana, and Tamahaki. You have the right to vote in elections (if you are 18 years or older). You can also stand for election to the Board of Te Korowai o Wainuiārua Trust, have your say in assisting the Board to plan for the future, and receive news, information, and updates on tribal business. Additionally, you are eligible to apply for scholarships and/or grants you may be entitled to.

Registering our people is an ongoing process. It will take several years to establish a comprehensive tribal register of those who whakapapa to Uenuku (nā Tūkaihoro), Tamakana and Tamahaki. You can help by encouraging your whānau networks to register, by collecting registrations on behalf of your whānau, by helping kaumātua and rangatahi to register, and by advising us of changes to contact details, births and family bereavements.

If you’re ready to register, than click on the button below. It will take you to the Māorime platform that we use to manage our iwi registration. Let us know if you need any help.

Having trouble registering?

We understand that registration can feel a bit tricky, so we've created a helpful video to guide you through the process. You'll need to provide some basic contact details, like an email address or phone number, and share a little information about your tūpuna (ancestors) to help us validate your registration. Don’t worry—it’s simpler than it sounds! In most cases, we only need details about your parents and grandparents.

If you run into any issues, take a quick look at the video for step-by-step assistance. Still need help registering, then email us or call us on 06 385 4900, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible to ensure you can complete the process with ease.

Simply updating your details?

Just need to update your contact details. That’s also really easy. Just click this Link here to the Māori Me website where you can do this.