Urgent Call / Submit Against the Treaty Principles Bill

Time is running out! There are only two days left to make a submission against the Treaty Principles Bill that is currently before Parliament.  This Bill, in its current form, could alter the way Māori rights are recognised and protected, and it is crucial that the voices of Te Korowai o Wainuiarua whānau are heard in opposition to it.

For generations, your whānau have fought to protect your rights, whenua, and tino rangatiratanga. This Bill stands to roll back those hard-won victories and weaken the recognition of Māori sovereignty. It is vital that this Bill does not pass in its current form.

What Can You Do?

Making a submission is simple. A submission can be as short or as detailed as you like. The most important thing is that it comes from you. Your voice matters.

A submission can be as straightforward as:

"I, [insert your full name], am writing to oppose the Treaty Principles Bill. I believe this Bill undermines rangatiratanga and Māori rights, and I do not want this Bill to pass in its current form."

If you feel compelled to provide more detail, you can explain:

  • Why rangatiratanga is important to you and your whānau.

  • The impact you believe the Bill will have on your hapū, iwi, or whānau.

  • Why you think this Bill undermines the Treaty and Māori rights.

This submission is personal. It does not have to be long or formal – it just needs to reflect your views.

How to Make a Submission:

  1. Write your submission.
    Start by stating your opposition to the Bill. If you wish, you can include further reasoning or personal experiences.

  2. Include your details.
    Make sure to include your full name, contact information (address or email), and where you are from (iwi/hapū, if applicable).

  3. Submit your submission online.
    Visit the official government website for submitting public feedback:

    • Go to Parliament’s website.

    • Search for the Treaty Principles Bill.

    • Click on Make a Submission and follow the steps to upload your submission.

  4. If you do not have internet access, the submission can be mailed to Parliament (address details will be on the website).

  5. Encourage other whānau to submit.
    It is important that as many voices as possible are heard. Encourage your whānau, hapū, and iwi members to also make submissions.

  6. To view a submission example - Click Here

Why Is This Important?

The Treaty of Waitangi guarantees Māori rights and protections. Rangatiratanga is the cornerstone of those rights, and this Bill threatens to weaken its recognition and application. It is crucial that Te Korowai o Wainuiarua whānau stand united in opposition to this Bill.

Principle 2 in the Bill would limit Māori rights to only those recognised in historical Treaty settlements, effectively erasing the Treaty’s guarantee of tino rangatiratanga. This risks undermining Māori authority and excludes the courts from protecting Māori rights.

Principle 3 promotes equality, but it fails to recognise the right of Māori to be Māori and to have their tikanga Māori protected by law. It also overlooks the long-term effects of colonisation and historical breaches of the Treaty.

The decisions made today will affect future generations. This is an opportunity to ensure that Māori sovereignty is respected and protected for your tamariki and mokopuna.

Every submission counts. Your voice is vital in making sure this Bill does not pass in its current form.


Taonga in Honour of Anthony Limbrick’s Support


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