Resounding Support for Settlement
Congratulations whānau, we did it!
Uri of Tamakana, Tamahaki and Uenuku have strongly endorsed the Crown's offer to settle our historical Treaty of Waitangi claims.
"Kia koutou ma o te piringā whare o te Wainuiārua haere ki moēa I te po nau mai ki te Ao - on behalf of our people whom consistently from the beginning, seeking justice along this journey of grievance, and the systematic taking of our lands, and on behalf of us today whom have carried the rākau o te whakawā (taiaha of justice) to reach this corner milestone in support of the Settlement for Tamakana, Uenuku, Tamahaki nei rā te mihi kia koutou." - Aiden Gilbert
Te Tihi o te Rae includes the Crown's acknowledgement of numerous breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi, an agreed historical account and an apology from the Crown for those breaches. It also includes cultural, financial and commercial redress.
Iwi members were asked to cast two votes through the independent returning officer at The first; is whether or not to accept the Crown's settlement offer, and the second; is whether or not to accept the proposed Post Settlement Governance Entity (PSGE) called Te Korowai o Wainuiārua Trust to manage the settlement and iwi affairs.
Well done whānau, we surpassed our 30 percent voter return target!
Thank you to all uri who voted, exercising mana motuhake - your right to determine our collective future.